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Posts Tagged ‘wine labels’

Customs Labels Have Gone A Long Way

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Custom labels were once used exclusively for shipping parcels and packages, but that isn’t the case anymore. Nowadays you’ll find labels in virtually every industry, owing to the fact that companies see labeling as an effective approach to organizing their businesses or marketing their brand or product.

The type of label most consumers are quite familiar with is the variable information printing (VIP) label. VIP labels are widely used in industry, retail and distribution for identification, monitoring, weighing, pricing and tracking purposes.

Unlike product labels that are usually produced in bulk, VIP labels are printed right before they are applied using either thermal printers or desktop printers. Commercial and industrial applications mostly work with POS printers using thermal roll labels while office applications rely on desktop equipment using inkjet and laser sheet labels.

Main end-use areas for VIP labels include small office and home office (SOHO) information labeling, logistic labeling as well as laboratory labeling. SOHO label applications include file and folder labels, name tags, record labels and CD/DVD labels.  Logistic label applications on the other hand cover various forms of transport and shipping labels which are generally printed using monochrome or color laser printers. Blank and pre-printed labels made of special materials are mostly used for laboratory label applications.

Particularly in the manufacturing and retail sectors, labels may seem quite diverse. However, they are all designed to serve a common purpose – to sell a product. Millions of dollars are spent in research, design and production of custom labels that aim to capture consumer attention, generate sales and eventually create customer loyalty.

Among the most widely used labels are beverage labels and wine labels, both of which are designed to achieve an elaborate appearance and optimum performance in various temperature ranges. Bottled water brands for instance use clear polypropylene label films which are totally transparent to give a clean and pure look. The same type of labels is also quite popular when bottling vodka and gin.

Beer and wine bottlers on the other hand opt for matte or metallic labels to create more visual impact. These labels are produced using a technique of over lamination to attain scratch resistance and withstand above average handling in all stages of production and on the display shelves. A lot of these labels are treated for alkali resistance and wet strength so they are able to resist wrinkle or bubble formation and withstand temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Health and beauty products as well as industrial chemical products also use custom printed labels quite extensively. Labels used on these types of products are generally conformable and highly resistant to water and moisture as well as oil and chemical substances.

Labels have gone a long way from just being used to indicate addresses when shipping packages. They have become an effective marketing tool for producers and manufacturers across a wide range of industries.

Beyond Just The Name – The Different Functions of Product Labels

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Custom labels play a huge role in the manufacturing and retailing industries.  Manufacturers must label their products while retailers extensively use thermal roll labels for pricing and inventory control in the business operations.

Labels are any type of written, electronic or graphic information used to communicate the important features and functions of a product to the end user. They may carry just the brand name or a great deal of information regarding the product.

Labels are typically incorporated into overall product packaging or may be employed separately for a distinct purpose. For instance, inventory control labels are used to indicate the completion of various procedures such as industry mandated testing or quality control inspections before products are shipped out to distributors and dealers. Similarly, different types of shipping labels are used to provide added information regarding special instructions or restrictions on certain types of cargo and packages.

Labels perform distinct functions so let’s take a look at the more common ones and learn what type of labels are best used for these specific purposes.

Brand Identification

The main function of labels is to identify a product or a brand. Different products use different types of labels. You can base your selection process on the label material to be used.  Matte or kraft labels, for instance, go well with products that are targeted at the environmentally conscious end user. On the other hand, foil, gloss and freezer laser/inkjet labels work well with products that are exposed to varying temperature or climate conditions.

Product Description

Certain products need to deliver pertinent information to the end user. There are products that require manufacturers and producers to provide consumers information on who made the product, when and where it was made, what the contents comprise of, and how it is to be used safely. For this purpose, you can select labels by size or shape so you find the appropriate one for your product.

Product Use

Alternatively, labels are also classified according to use. Hence you can find wine and beer labels, medical product labels, CD/DVD labels, shipping labels as well as bar code labels.

Product Grading

Certain items, especially fresh food as well as paper products, are graded accordingly. That’s why you see these small, circle labels marked A, B, or C on fruits and other food products.

Product Promotion

You can make use of attractive, custom-printed labels to make your product stand above the competition or to bring to the attention of consumers a particular limited time promotion you’re having on your product. Discounts, special offers and bargains may be conveyed to the end user using this type of label which can be tailored for your distinct purpose.

Talk BIG With Custom-Printed Labels

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

The key to success in the retail business lies in brand awareness and custom labels could play a significant role in the process. Big businesses may put on multi-million dollar product launches and awareness campaigns, but if you’re a small player in the field, there are innovative tactics you can use to let your potential customers know you exist.

Custom printed labels are a good way to get your message across in case you don’t have the budget to stage full-blown promotional blitzes to push your brand. All things considered, it boils down to one basic truth – it’s still a love at first sight thing when it comes to making a product stand out over the rest. Visual impact rules and products with attractive labels get picked out first from supermarket racks or department store shelves.

Promoting  Your Merchandise with Custom Printed Labels

It is basic to human nature to approach that which attracts you and the multi-billion dollar packaging industry has taken advantage of this basic human folly. Companies spend a significant portion of their budget on product packaging alone to get their merchandise rising above the competition. It’s fortunate for small business owners these days that laser/inkjet labels are widely available and any business can get its brand name across using these very powerful marketing tools.

Because the market is currently overflowing with competition, of course you’d want to make a lasting impression in the consumer market. You can use custom printed labels for new product introductions and promotional offers or to stimulate sales and cross market other related merchandise.

Reinventing Products with Custom Labels

To keep abreast with developing market trends, most businesses find it vital to make occasional changes in the labeling of their products. You can totally reinvent your merchandise by simply changing the labels to create a new look. Custom labels can help to add that swagger and draw renewed attention to your product. A simple alteration on the color, background or fonts would most often do the job.

As of late, the discriminating consumer seems to have developed a liking for merchandise that exudes a tasteful and astute character. With commercially produced items flooding the market these days, those with more discerning tastes have actually set their eyes on personalized goods that are not mass-produced or are available in limited runs. You can tickle the senses of this particular client base by using custom labels to serve this distinct purpose.

Cross-Selling using Customized Labels

Another approach you can use to get your product ahead of the competition is to use custom printed labels to cross sell other merchandise. For instance, you can explore the possibility of sticking promotional labels on your products during peak sales periods. The holiday season is less than a couple of months away so you can seize the opportunity by enhancing related products with captivating seasonal promo labels that cross sell other items.

You can get your product labels to do all the talking. Check it out with a reliable online label supplier to find out how you can talk big with custom printed labels exclusively designed and created for you!

Custom-Printed Label Concepts For Start-Up Businesses

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Custom labels serve different purposes and are extensively used to promote small and medium scale businesses and services these days. While custom-printed labels of the past were limited to address labels and shipping labels used to mail out envelopes, nowadays they have become an important marketing tool that can get a product into the shopping cart.

Custom labels can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary; hence they are also quite popular for personal use. In the recent years, you’ve probably seen personalized audio or video CDs using customized CD/DVD labels being given out as memorabilia for special events like birthdays, anniversaries or important life milestones.

Similarly, custom wine labels have become quite popular, particularly to add that personal touch to wine bottles being given out as wedding or birthday favors. A lot of small businesses also print out their company logos and other essential information on water bottle labels used as promotional items for their marketing campaigns.

You can think of so many uses for printed labels. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular uses for custom-printed labels.

Jar Labels

You’ll find them on homemade jam, jelly, pickles, peanut butter or sardines. Small, home-based or backyard food businesses will find good use of custom-printed jar labels for processed food items. They also make a superb gift idea to family and close friends for Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Cookie, Tart and Cupcake Labels

Do you bake for a living? You’ll find good use for custom-printed labels on cookie packages and cupcake boxes. You can purchase blank labels and create innovative designs on them. Inkjet and laser labels will be your best options since they work very well with conventional PC printers.

Beer Labels

Think of having your name on a beer bottle – Kevin’s Brew or Arthur’s Ale could sound pretty cool! Café and pub owners are starting to offer their home-brewed beer to customers and this is the reason why beer labels are growing to be quite popular these days.

Body & Bath Gift Labels (Personal Care Labels)

Small manufacturers of bath salts, soaps and gels as well as body scrubs and lotions make use of custom printed labels to mark their products. They are usually packaged together and make great gift items for special occasions such as Valentine’s or Mothers Day.

Gift Bag Labels

Specialty shops and small retail outlets might find it too expensive to have custom-made gift bags or gift wrappers. A practical alternative would be the use of customized labels that carry their brand or logo. You can use purchase inexpensive gift bags or simply use kraft paper to wrap gift items and stick laser printer labels with your logo to generate the desired effect.

Important Points To Consider When Creating Labels For Wine Bottles

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Among all types of food product labels, wine labels have more than just the regular sort of stuff you read over when you do your weekly grocery shopping. In fact, wine labels are among the very few printed labels that do away with the usual information found on most food labels. Rather, they have a more interesting story to tell, which is why you’ll see shoppers spending so much time at the supermarket wine section.

What Makes a Good Wine Label?

Most product labels will list the ingredients as well as other details such as the carb, fat, vitamin and calorie composition of food products, but you won’t find this kind of information on wine labels. Wine labels are more of a work of art, so wine makers follow a particular set of standards when designing labels for wine bottles.

Red or White?

There are several important points to take into account when designing wine labels. For starters, labels should indicate whether you are selling red or white wine. Similarly, the type of wine should also be included.

In the US, wines are generally referred to by the grape variety used to produce them. In Europe however, wines are largely defined by the regions where these grapes are grown. And while most wines are usually a combination of two or more grape varieties, legally your label should only state a single grape variety if that same grape type makes up for at least 75% of your wine.

The most common red wine varieties include Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Shiraz while the whites consist of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Reisling and Pinot Gris.

When Was the Wine Produced?

Your wine label should also indicate the year of production since some wines are best consumed within a year or two, while others improve on flavor over the years. The alcohol content and volume in milliliters should also be stated.

What’s Your Story?

Other essential wine label features include a brand name for sales purposes and identification, as well as background information which often come in the form of an interesting story. Especially for wines produced by vineyards passed on as a legacy through generations, a good story does a lot to sell good wine.

Wine Labels for Special Events

Did you know that wine labels are not limited to the wine makers themselves? Very recently, wine has become one of the most favorite memorabilia used to commemorate special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. Custom labels for wine bottles can now be designed by and ordered from a reliable online label supplier.

Online label suppliers also offer a wide range of label products such as laser and inkjet labels, thermal labels and even blank labels of various shapes and sizes. So whether you’re looking for wine labels to use for a wedding, birthday or corporate giveaway or custom printed labels for a new product launch, a label supplier should be able to help you out with your unique requirements.


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